Money Kills

Staffordshire Arts

Produced almost entirely on location in Staffordshire join John Heart, as he fights for urvival in the deepest, darkest jungles, tackles diabolical warlord across a sun-scorched savannah, tangles with the meanest of mafia bosses, deals with the razor-blade smiles of femme fatales and evades the cross-hair of a trigger happy General. All in the name of family, honour, a little glory and a lot of luck!

Money Kills, from Staffordshire film company Sherringham Studios, is an original feature length movie in the tone of Die-Hard, Lethal Weapon, Rambo and Bond, topped with a fresh and fun style that aims to inject the pop back into the pop-corn action/adventure genre.

It features a talented cast and has been produced by a highly professional crew that aims to enrich the face of UK film making as seen worldwide.  The film has now been completed and has already been picked up by Los Angeles distributor Fabrication Films with a view in winning a hollywood deal.

[blockquote]Money Kills was five years in the making with 95 per cent of the action shot in Stafford and all the actors have shown massive faith in it.[/blockquote]

The film showcases diverse international locations, dynamic stunts and explosive effects, yet it has been produced almost entirely in Staffordshire using clever design to conjur the illusions.

[h2]Money Kills Trailer[/h2]

You can view the exciting commercial trailer for Money Kills here


Money Kills stars Joe Kerr, Katya Greer, Sud Saeed, Rachel Shenton.

Written by Luke Openshaw and Lee Murphy, Produced by Luke Openshaw, Directed by Lee Murphy.

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